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Food is the number one decision we make for your health each day. While a variety of genetic and lifestyle factors can be at play in the generation of chronic diseases, evidence clearly indicates that the food we eat has the highest impact of all on our health and life expectancy.

Unfortunately, misinformation abounds about healthy eating patterns, leaving people understandably confused and sometimes even dangerously misled. The current healthcare model emphasises pills and procedures over lifestyle interventions, and even where nutrition is taught, providers are rarely trained in the proven science on plant-based nutrition: patients are thus left without guidance on dietary approaches that can be life-changing.

Doctors For Nutrition is committed to addressing this by empowering the community with clear, evidence-based information on the role of nutrition in preventing and treating a wide range of health conditions.

We do this through resource creation, events, and contributing accurate information to the public conversation via the media.

If you are holding a community event and are seeking an expert on whole food plant-based nutrition to speak to your audience, contact us.

Heleen Adelaide Festival
Cooking demo at Vegan Festival