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Experience the benefits of whole food plant-based eating through our DFN Health Challenge.
Guided by doctors and dietitians, this challenge will show you first hand the benefits of whole food plant-based nutrition.
Try a whole food plant-based lifestyle for a month and see how well you feel.
If you are not currently following a whole food plant-based eating pattern, then this challenge is for YOU!
Designed by medical professionals, Dr Heleen Haitjema and Dr Luke Wilson, co-author of the BROAD study, will take you through a series of videos to watch at your own pace, covering not only the “why” of eating whole food plant-based but the all-important “how” to eat this way.
Our bite-sized lessons also cover:
- What changes you can expect as you start eating a fully WFPB diet;
- Medication modification that may be required;
- Easy food swaps;
- Simple meals and convenience foods for busy professionals;
- How to find ideal options in Australian and New Zealand supermarkets;
- How to navigate dining out;
- How to cook and flavour your food to be appealing as well as healthy.
We are currently in the process of creating an on-demand version of the challenge, so that you can start anytime.
If you would like to register your interest, and be the first to know when this becomes available, please complete the form below.