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Past Events

  • 10 April 2024

Live Webinar: Sustainability & Diet


The Australian Dietary Guidelines (ADGs) are under review for the first time in a decade. Doctors For Nutrition has been actively contributing to the ADGs process over the past 18-months to drive a shift towards more plant-centric guidelines. 

The need to update information in the ADGs on sustainable diets  (accessible, affordable and equitable diets with low environmental impacts) has been  identified as a high priority area by the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC), who are leading the review.

In response, the NHMRC is establishing a Sustainability Working Group that will provide advice on the strength and quality of evidence about sustainability and diets to the ADGs Expert Committee.

Doctors For Nutrition would like to invite our audience to hear what leading experts on sustainability have to say about:

  • how our current ADGs stack up
  • what unique hurdles Australia needs to overcome 
  • why our current dietary patterns cannot deliver on our sustainability goals

The webinar will consist of a live panel discussion followed by a Q&A session where participants will have the opportunity to have their questions answered live by our panel of experts. 

Sustainability and Diet