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Our Recipes

    Mushroom congee

    • 10 mins
    • 60 mins
    • Serves 4

      This nourishing bowl of mushroomy goodness is perfect for cool, rainy evenings.

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      • 3 garlic cloves, minced 
      • 1 x 2cm thumb of ginger, finely chopped
      • 1 brown onion, diced
      • 500g shiitake or portobello mushrooms, chopped
      • 1 cup brown jasmine or long grain rice
      • 3 cups homemade vegetable stock
      • 3 cups water
      • Dried porcini mushroom (8-10), chopped
      • 1 broccoli, chopped (optional)
      • 1 spring onion Handful fresh coriander Cracked pepper to taste


      1. Heat a large deep sided fry pan or large pot over medium heat.
      2. Place garlic, ginger and onion into the fry pan and brown for 5 minutes with a little water to prevent sticking.
      3. Add rice, shiitake or portobello mushrooms, dried porcini mushrooms, vegetable stock and water. Bring to a simmer, cover pan with a lid, and allow to cook for 1 hour, stirring occasionally over medium heat.
      4. Chop broccoli and stem into bite sized pieces and add to the saucepan for the last 5 minutes of cooking.
      5. Serve congee in deep bowls while hot.
      6. Slice spring onion into thin circles and use to garnish each bowl, along with torn fresh coriander and cracked pepper.

      Chef's Tips

      • Instead of adding broccoli to the congee, lightly steam it in a separate pot and serve as a crunchy side dish.
      • Substitute half of the brown rice for black rice or millet.
      • Add 1 tsp thyme (dried or fresh and finely chopped) when adding the rice, and omit coriander.
      • Did you know you can re-grow spring onion from the little root stumps? They just need a bit of sun and water but are very low maintenance. Just plant the stumps in a pot or directly in the earth, and within a few weeks you'll have your own supply that you can keep cutting as needed!
      Dr Libby Forsyth
      Dr Libby Forsyth