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Simple swaps

Simple food swaps make it surprisingly easy to transition to a whole food plant-based eating pattern. Stick with some of the familiar favourites you enjoy by substituting a few of your ingredients.

Simple WFPB swaps

Downloadable simple WFPB swaps. Simply right click the image above and save to print! Or download a PDF here.

By choosing plant foods we give ourselves a tremendous head-start in both maintaining and regaining good health through all life stages. But establishing a healthy plant-based dietary pattern can be a challenge when it is unfamiliar; especially when we are used to certain dishes, ways of cooking, and the lure of convenience foods.

A few simple swaps can make including more whole foods in your diet so much more manageable. A great starting place is to ‘plantify’ some familiar ingredients and recipes. Perhaps spaghetti bolognese transports you back to your childhood happy place? This is a perfect example of a dish that is even tastier as a plant-based version. Simply sub out the mince meat for lentils (you can check out our lentil spaghetti bolognese recipe here). Adapting pantry staples and favourite recipes will help you establish a repertoire of trusted dishes, and there’s no shortage of recipes you can look to for inspiration and guidance.

Wondering what is for dinner tonight? Head to our recipe collection for some inspiration.