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Media release: What role does nutrition play in cardiovascular disease?

For immediate release
Attention: health, medical, lifestyle editor
Issued: 30 January 2020

At a Symposium in Adelaide this weekend, eminent US cardiologist Dr Kim Williams and local healthcare experts will explain how dietary choices can influence the primary underlying cause of death for Australians.

New York Red Carpet Premiere of Academy Award-Winning Director, Louie Psihoyo’s “The Game Changers”
Photo credit – Dave Allocca

The spectre of heart attack and accompanying disease states and disability need not haunt us,” says Dr Williams.

Evidence shows that these are largely conditions of lifestyle and therefore predominantly preventable and even reversible.

Dr Kim Williams will be joined by South Australian healthcare practitioners, including Barossa Valley general practitioner Dr Adrian Griscti and Australian Practicing Dietitian Deeni Betar-Young who will reveal the reality behind the disheartening statistics and empower attendees from all walks of life with the science and skills to improve their cardiovascular and overall health.

Dr Williams is part of the Advisory Council team for the Australian registered health-promotion charity, Doctors For Nutrition. He is also Chief of Cardiology at Rush University Medical Centre in Chicago and a past President of the American College of Cardiology. Most recently, he starred in the wildly successful documentary The Game Changers, executive produced by the likes of James Cameron, Arnold Schwarznegger and Novak Djokovik.

Registered health promotion charity Doctors For Nutrition (DFN) are the hosts of the Symposium. Co-founder and qualified paediatrician, Dr Heleen Roex-Haitjema MD says DFN is committed to sharing sound and independent guidance on the role of nutrition in chronic disease. From presenting at nearly 100 events such as hospital ‘grand rounds’, community classes and conferences around Australia and internationally, Dr Roex-Haitjema knows first-hand about the glaring gap in education levels across the medical community when it comes to best-practice nutrition prescriptions.

Dr Roex-Haitjema emphasises that “doctors are not to blame” for their lack of nutrition science knowledge as the vast majority “get their information just like everyone else – through the media.” She laments that despite having three doctors across two generations in her immediate family, they “were not taught” about this vital component of healthcare in their medical degrees. Doctors For Nutrition aim to redress that imbalance by integrating science-based evidence into the institutions and policies responsible for the prevention and treatment of disease.

Attendees will get to directly experience food as medicine with nutritious whole food plant-based catering provided at the event by local Adelaide businesses Plant B Life and Francesco’s Cichetti.

Presentations will be followed by a plant-based athletes’ panel featuring South Australian amateur and pro runners, a cyclist, bodybuilder and personal trainer. A free screening of the The Game Changers caps off a day filled with a healthy dose of nutrition education and inspiration. All welcome.


For Further Information & Comment

Dr Kim Williams Doctors For Nutrition International Advisory Council team member by email

Dr Heleen Haitjema Doctors For Nutrition Co-founder, Executive Director, Medical Liaison by email

Download a PDF version of this media release with further links and resources here.

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